Nils Tamber Golf

"What comes, when it comes, will be what it is." - Alberto Caeiro

The Golf Game and Education

The Game of Golf consists of many parts. Etiqutte- Rules- Corsemanagement- Strategy- and lots more.

Playing on the course we compete against others --- "but mainly you compete against yourself".

When we say the game, most peope think of The swing - Long game - Short Game  - Bunker Game - Putting etc,

and this is also what most schools teach. A lot of focus on swings, lessons on Driving Ranges, Putting on a practce Greens and some sandshots in cheap constructed Bunkers. 

Here will followa short introduction of this learning.

Personally I think that Course Management, Game Strategy, Sport Psychology and to master Putting well, will improve your golf most. A good planning in the learning process will take care of this.

The Swing Puzzle! 

To start to play or improve Golf and take lessons today is like a PUSSLE. So many different ideas and methods and systems! When it comes back to reality, it always start with the basics. What suits you, your body, strenght and fitness. What you can improve in the future!

The most important area in the body for golf is the area between your ears.

Only for You

As mentioned, golf has many ingredients and when we talk about the game, golf consists of shots from the Tee, shots with iron clubs, pitching, chipping, bunker shots and putting. Play from sloping positions, from the fairway, high grass, in strong winds, you should master and hitting both high and low strokes, to follow a planned way is important.

Learn to "shape shots" to the right and left. Getting a repertoire is important.
The golf swing is a fairly advanced movement, so before play and training you should 

warm-up, have routines before each stroke and have a course or training stragedy.

Evaluate afterwards and feel free to keep some form of statistics. Not too complicated but you

should be able to check that you follow your training syllabus. Never move on without knowing

that you have a level that allows you to continue.

Like your commitment and challenges and enjoy the journey.

Practice makes perfect

In the pictures you can see two typical examples. Segio Garcia has a typical One Plane Swing whereas  Adam Scott is a two plane swinger.

All golf swings are either one plane ……… or two plane.

So the question is: Which swing is right for you? We can sort this out together and build from there.

If you mix the two types of swings, you’ll find it difficult as they use “different engines”.  When the “target arm” on top of the swing is parallel with the shoulders, it is a one plane swing.

A two plane swing occurs when the golfer swings the arms on a more upright plane.

In the pictures you can see typical examples. Sergio Garcia  is a one plane swinger whereas Adam Scott is a two plane swinger. A lot of people are taught a swing that doesn’t suit them well.  

Sergio Garcia


Adam Scott


Digital Coaching with Visual Corrections

The concept of  "Digital Coaching Systems" is to give the Coach the ability to pinpoint faults in the player’s technique and “visually” explain corrections that then are understandable. Easy Learning, once you understand and can see your visually improvements illustrated.

The overall experience for the student can not be better as you start to educate

the “whys and the how’s” in your personal swing.

Studies have shown that more than 80% of the information the brain retains comes through

the eyes. With theese modern Digital &Visual systems you can also practice and see your

swing immediately repeated.

If correct, fine! If not a "new swing" to see if your corrections are in place. Learning in or as

close to real-time is extremely important. We can also save (store) your swings from

"the Visual Training"  and then later be compared so you can see your progress.

Controlling Progress

Learning and Analyse of the Swing

We all know that the golf swing is such a fast movement that it is very difficult to analyse. A good instructor will be able to see from positions of it and analyse your swing out from that.

But even a good Pro is better out using a Analyse Device where he can see exact what

you are doing and he can also let you see what you are doing. That is an important

difference. Corrections shall be made in real time or as near real time as possible.

Many times no way to analyze and improve. 

Trackman, Flightscope, Toptracer and other Ballflight Systems are good help if used in a

correct way, (far too many golfers use it only for technical purposes. Just looking

at figure-results, bad - good, bad - bad- good. You dont know what caused the bad ones,

no way to see and understan why). They are "Doppler-radars"and can measure and calculate all Club Head Data as well as exact ball trajectory and distance. Together with Video cameras and advanced Software, this is probably as exact you can come in analysing / teaching. It is not necessary to know so much about the technique behind, the important thing is that students experience a very rapid learning. After every shot we have club and ball tracking data’s and in conjunction with simultaneous swing video we can learn to understand and fulfil the important learning criteria’s. We also get results and can practise and correct as near REAL-TIME as possible.

Video Glasses

checking in Real Time

Simulator Teaching

Now it becomes much easier for you to understand and visually see just what changes/Corrections you need to practice to optimize your results.

After a while it get so clear and it is very easy to understand. You will be able to find your own correct and neutral swing and eliminate those ingrained and counter productive adjustments (corrections) that cost you consistency and distance.

US PGA TOUR Simulator is an example of an indoor teaching aid that can be used year around. 

Using the latest technology for Video and Correct informations. After a planned lesson in learning you can continue to practise and see your own progress. This gives quality learning.